i tried to disturb myself a bit because im getting berserk in this lonely world. for several days now, i have been in solitude... the buzzing of silence irritates me like the annoying voices of annoying people.. until today. i went to makti to have my second session of the career enhancement program. last week, i had a one-on-one session with the famous Ms. Coara Doloroso.. you won't believe this but she actually taught me how to walk like a model... petchai...model... petchai... model??? will that be a pretty sight? ahemmm... maybe? ahehehe... hey! i had one experience in modeling! the nuns of assumption college took photos of me for the advertisement to encourge deserving little women to enter into 'nunhood'... funny.. in the ad, i was wearing a shirt that said, 'free all political prisoners'... ahehehe... (guys, remember this???) bwehehehehe...
for the past few mundane weeks, i've been trying, in my fullest efforts, to perfect the Minuet 3 in my violin... i was also able to get the notes of 'lets groove" by earth wind and fire in bass.. ironic, cuz i have not really touched my most priceless posessions, my precious baby djembes... it would bring memories of the past. oh well.. though i'm out of the BP picture or aklas sining, my 2 small djembes are currently touring with them.. (thanks to melay.. inampon ko na yung isa nyang baby.. actually, i am the original caretaker of the eldest one.. but i think mygz has it. my caretaker now is domeng (for the 2 djembes))..... MISS KO NA MAGTAMBOL!!! LINTEK!!! I just want someone to jam with me... hrmmmph...
about the job offers.. i had my preliminary interview in Guess Phils last week.. someone was trying to call me awhile ago but i missed the call. yike! it must be them, calling me for the second grilling session!!! have to call them tom!!! waaah!!! i wanna be involved in events organizing... that's the vision i am having.. probably, i'll look for a workshop relating to it after the career program im taking.. hehe... :)
faith, joan, sir jun and i met in Mcdonald's glorietta.. kamustahan ba.. poor sir jun.. he has a sprain on his left foot.. tsk...tsk...(btw, sir jun... thank you for the blueberry cheese cake.. loved it)..
miss those guys! faith and i again had our usual window shopping trips. i tried a purple micro mini and several other garments in teranova shop. faith tried on some clothes in people are people.. haaay!!! i would really love to have those pair of light brown boots i saw in SM... matulis yun, as in nakakapatay... it would look good on corporate costumes...
i miss my barbaric lifestyle...ahehe.. (this is just how i call it, ok??).. i miss the mountains... the river... the moon... the crickets... marias... the sound of djembes... the gigs.. my wierd clothes... ok... sentimental!!! sentimental!!! waaah!!! here goes again... i miss talking to someone... basta.. i dont wanna die unhappy.. so help me God...
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