
Friday, February 12, 2010

winter olympics... coming REAL soon!

i remember myself watching the figure skating competition way back in 1998 winter olympics. haha! that time, it was tara lipinski who was titled the youngest (and still is) gold medalist in the winter olympic games. technically, she was awesome. she was able to execute every jump, every spin accurately. but to be honest (in my opinion), (not that i'm an expert or anything) i thought she was too stiff. she looked like a twig twirling and swirling on the ice. LOL. but, haha, she was great. everyone liked her. what the heck, right? i learned to appreciate her style, crisp and solid.

Ilia Kulik, the russian guy i fell in love with, was the most awesome, brilliant skater i've ever seen. he carried out his moves not only with utmost precision but with grace and fluidity. i used to imagine dancing with him on ice... *twinkling eyes* ahihihihi. :D look, he's still my prince after all these years! LOL.

Winter Olympics 2010 is going to be held in Canada. i have no idea who'll compete in this year's figure skating competition. I may have outgrown my likeness in the sport. i miss it a lot, though. it was more of a hobby to me. (although, i was really planning on joining the Philippine team just to get those cool jackets. ahahaha!).
that's me, leading the bunch. Miss these guys.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to find another Ilia fan -- can you believe on Sunday it will be 12 years since he won his gold?! Come visit, Ilia's Official Site and see what he's up to... (looking good :)



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