
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chasing sunsets

"Psstt, busy ka?"

It's great to have kaladkarin friends! haha! I invited Frankie to come with me to 'baywalk' so i can shoot the sunset. Since we were pretty early for the sunset, we went to Harrison Plaza to eat our late lunch. It was really a late lunch like 4:30pm! haha... Again, i had my hungarian cheese dog! YUM! it only cost P66.00. :)

it was not too far from CCP. Frankie and I just walked over there and asked how much the tickets were for Don Quixote. the cheapest ticket was P400 (no discount for students). pfft. oh well. nevermind. twas too expensive for me.

The sun was setting already. we hurried to the bay side where the fishermen were stationed. i got a nice view of the buildings. :) yey! i saw other photographers chasing the sunset, too. oh, btw, i was using my point and shoot camera. i wanted to bring my slr but i was thinking of going home late that night. since i used my point and shoot, i kinda had problems with the 'noise' of the picture even if i had it set to ISO 100. nevertheless, i'm happy with the outcome. i planned to have the pictures submitted for our Club's internal competition but those that i took were nowhere near complementary colors. Oh well. that's fine!

It was amazing how the sun just hid on the horizon. the color of the sky was just amazing. Frankie and i headed to makati after the sunset. He was looking for a blue shirt for their company's post- valentine's party (i think). I was also discussing to him what he should wear on his photo shoot and pointed on potential clothing i wanted for him. haha! told him to wear a blue shirt, white/ khaki pants and a brown pair of shoes. he wanted to have a remembrance of his long hair before he'd get a haircut. We talked more about it at White hat.
we came up with 3 concepts for the shoot:

1. the preppy look
2. the japanese inspired look
3. dang... i forgot the 3rd one!

i told him to go to the gym and develop muscles so he'd look good on photos. hahaha. he seemed to be very excited! haha. he eved showed me sample shots of some guy on FB.

i want male models this time!

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